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Our Mission

Our Mission

Celebrate The Little Wins is a dedicated movement committed to providing hope and support to those struggling with Fluoroquinolone Toxicity. CTLW aims to empower individuals with resources, community support, and direct advocacy to navigate their health journey and reclaim their lives.

Celebrate The Little Wins is a dedicated movement committed to providing hope and support to those struggling with Fluoroquinolone Toxicity. CTLW aims to empower individuals with resources, community support, and direct advocacy to navigate their health journey and reclaim their lives.

Featured Articles

Featured Articles


Ease Your Mind: 25 Proven Strategies to Beat Anxiety

In an era marked by global pandemics, political unrest, and an overload of information, it's no surprise that many of us grapple with anxiety on…

What is FQAD?

Those suffering from fluoroquinolone toxicity often suffer from multiple symptoms simultaneously. Delayed reactions can make it difficult to connect their decline in health to fluoroquinolone…

[Podcast] Triumph Over Tragedy: Recovery After Fluoroquinolone Toxicity

In this interview, Kiley talks to Dr. Josef Witt-Doerring, who is a board-certified psychiatrist, and former FDA medical officer with a specialization in identifying and…




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